How to change the Language on your device

  TV Connect and Windows 8

· Turn on your device

· Tap and swipe to open the lock screen

· Tap on the upper right corner and drag down with your finger to pull up setting (Ajustes)

· Tap on settings (Ajustes)

· Tap on the device and scroll up under Personal select the square box with the letter A in it (Idioma y entrada de texto)

· It will bring up Idioma y entrda de texto tap on Idioma

· It will bring you to the language of your choice. Scroll up for language options

 Windows 10 Devices


· Turn on your device

· Unlock the screen by swiping it to the right or left or enter your password

· On the lower right corner tap on the Windows icon. 

· Tap on settings (ajustes) 

· Tap on time and language (Hora y el idioma)

· Under time and language ( En virtud del tiempo y el lenguaje)

· Tap on region & language (Toque en la region e idioma)

· Under country and region (En pais y la region)

· Change the country to United States for English or Mexico for Spanish

· Under languages tap on Add a language of your preference

· Swipe to the left to select your language preference to add on